Austerity Politics in Germany

Speaker: Michael Zander
Saturday 11. November, 10:30 – 11:45

Michael Zander will ground the politics of Austerity in Germany. Do disabled Germans have it good compared to the rest of the world? The Teilhabegesetz, a newly packaged law with the progressive language of inclusion and diversity, sounds nice but the threat for a German citizen with disability of not getting (enough) assistance and not being able to maintain an independent living situation in exchange for a residential state sanctioned home is a constant one. As recent talk of Black Zero (a Germany free of all debt) circulates in the media is it disheartening to imagine so many German citizens living in such precarity and struggling to attain basic needs of independence and assistance.


Bio – Michael Zander

Michael Zander is a disability rights activist and academic lecturer in the department of rehabilitation psychology at Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal. His research interests include Critical Psychology and Disability Studies.
